Recognized for Innovation: Chapel Hill’s Affordable Housing Data and Performance Measurement

A national organization focusing on innovation in local government has featured the Town of Chapel Hill’s use of data and performance measures to better understand the community’s complicated and growing affordable housing challenges.


Alliance for Innovation, a national network that connects local government thought-leaders through online discussion, in-person networking and events, hosted a webinar titled “How Performance Measures and Data Can Help Achieve Your Affordable Housing Goals.”

The Town of Chapel Hill’s Assistant Director for the Office for Housing and Community Sarah Osmer Viñas, and the Town’s Affordable Housing Manager Nate Broman-Fulks, focused on how Chapel Hill has turned to data and performance measures to better understand affordable housing challenges, inform decision making, track progress, and increase community knowledge about affordable housing. 

The Town collected and organized data from various data sources into a central database and then developed measurement tools to help monitor progress toward annual affordable housing goals. Data visualization tools like the Affordable Housing Dashboard and Affordable Housing Quarterly Report allow the Town to more clearly communicate its progress and make informed projections that assist in policy creation and investment for the future.

The Town will be presenting the most recent Affordable Housing Quarterly Report at the Town Council Business Meeting on Wednesday, May 22nd. 

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The full webinar can be viewed here: