Town Advances Affordable Housing Goals with Selection of Development Partner for Legion Property

The Town of Chapel Hill is pleased to announce they have selected DHIC, Inc. as the affordable housing development partner for the Legion Property. The Town’s Affordable Housing and Community Connections staff led a competitive selection process and chose DHIC because of their track record of success in planning, building, and managing comparable affordable housing communities.

DHIC is a Raleigh-based nonprofit that develops affordable housing communities in the Triangle and throughout North Carolina. Since 1974, they have built more than 3,200 affordable rental apartment homes with more than 1,000 units currently in development. The Town previously partnered with DHIC on Greenfield Place and Greenfield Commons, two award-winning, affordable rental communities in the Blue Hill district.

DHIC’s preliminary concept includes approximately 160 affordable units for households earning less than 60% of the Area Median Income. Their plans also emphasize connectivity with both the future park planned for the property and the existing neighborhoods surrounding the site.

DHIC also provides a variety of housing support services, another factor that went into their selection, according to Sarah Viñas, Director of Affordable Housing and Community Connections. “DHIC is well-respected both for their developments and for their holistic approach to supporting families and individuals with limited incomes in finding quality housing that meets their needs.”

DHIC’s selection is another step in the Town Council’s ongoing work to realize the future vision for the Legion Property.

  • In December 2022, Council approved the future uses of the site to include affordable housing, a public park, and preserved natural areas.

  • In May 2023, Council authorized staff to select a partner to develop affordable housing on the site.

  • In 2024, planning for the public park will begin as part of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan process, which will identify and prioritize Town-wide needs for parks, recreation, and open space.

“We are pleased to be able to continue to move forward and reach this important milestone to deliver a project that addresses the need for affordable housing and park space in a cohesive project,” said Viñas. “In Chapel Hill, every affordable housing partner has waiting lists that continue to grow. The need is clear and the more units we can get in the pipeline, the sooner those needs can be addressed.”

Viñas also noted that while the selection of DHIC is a major milestone, there are still many steps in the development process over the next 3-5 years, including community engagement with current neighbors and future community members.

For more information about the Town’s affordable housing plans and goals, visit For more information about future plans for the Legion property, visit